Welcome to Bohannan Dentistry

Professional Hygiene Treatment and Restoration Cosmetic Dentistry

Professional Hygiene

The foundation of oral health begins with regular professional cleanings. Our hygienists ensure thorough plaque removal, prevent gum disease, and offer guidance on oral care routines.

Treatment and Restoration .

We offer a wide range of treatment procedures, including cavity fillings, root canals, and tooth restoration, using advanced technologies and materials.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Looking to enhance your smile’s appearance? Our team of cosmetic dentistry specialists helps achieve the perfect look through whitening, veneers, and other innovative methods.

Implants and Orthodontics

We specialize in dental implants and bite correction. Our expertise and knowledge allow us to provide tailored solutions for each patient, striving for their complete satisfaction.
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Our Approach:

At Bohannan Dentistry, we value each patient. Our goal is to ensure comfort and confidence during every visit. We work to make your dental appointments pleasant and effective, providing a high level of care and results.

Our Specialists:

Our team comprises professionals dedicated to the field of dentistry. Each member brings high skills and a commitment to achieving the best outcomes for our patients.

Get in Touch:

We’re always ready to help you achieve the health and beauty of your smile. Schedule a consultation now to begin your journey toward healthy teeth and the perfect smile.


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